Mid Ohio AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days 2018

Despite using lots of sunscreen, this is the aftermath of riding around all day Saturday in shorts. Maybe next year I'll bring an umbrella to mount to my bike.

Cleveland Moto had been selling raffle tickets for this bike for a few months leading up to Mid Ohio, which culminated with a flaming burnout Saturday night. The winner's name was drawn Sunday morning. I bought two tickets; one with money, and one with a beaver pelt. That wasn't enough for me to win, though the actual winner only purchased one ticket!

One of the attractions of Mid Ohio is barrel racing. I would say the photo doesn't do it justice, but countless dirt bikes careening past a 55 gallon drum with a golf cart doing a wheelie in the background sums it up perfectly.

Saturday afternoon I did sell my 1987 Suzuki SP200 for about five times more than what I paid for it. It did, however, mean that my primary mode of transportation from then on was my feet, and that I would need to find a ride home.
All in all, I had a great time, hung out with some cool people, and didn't crash too much. 10/10 would recommend to a friend.